Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: 10 Books I Want to Reread

Today I'm participating in Top Ten Tuesday, a blog meme for posting a themed list for every Tuesday of the year!  Check out the meme here to see all of the lists, and here to see today's post if you want to join in!

My top ten reread choices (if I only had the time) are:

  1. Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry - I've reread The Giver several times in the last few years, for class and for fun.  While I like the book, I'm getting really tired of all the hype, and it'd be refreshing to read one of its sequels again for a change.
  2. Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater - I'm very aware of my fangirl status for Maggie Stiefvater now, but this is the book that started it.  I was skeptical because of the werewolf component (the Twilight series and its contemporaries really turned me off to the whole vampires vs. werewolves thing), but I ended up loving it.  Now I will read anything she puts out!
  3. Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein - I picked this book up on a whim and I loved it!  I recently found out that there was a companion novel released...  Maybe I should read that one before rereading this!
  4. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green - I have an ulterior motive for wanting to reread this one...  I'm leading a teen book discussion on it in a couple of weeks!  I'd listen to the audio book to save time, but it really is kind of dangerous to be driving while crying hysterically...
  5. Plain Kate by Erin Bow - I adored this book and I felt so many emotions while reading it (meaning I cried about four times).  I borrowed it from the library, but I have been yearning for my own copy ever since I finished it.
  6. Homeward Bounders by Diana Wynne Jones - Okay, so I've read this quite a few times already...  But it is probably my favorite DWJ novel and I think of it constantly!
  7. It's Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini - Another one that I've read a couple of times...  I would never mind reading it again.  It's a story that remains close to my heart.
  8. Be More Chill by Ned Vizzini - Another Ned book, yes--but this one is just so delightfully bizarre that I really think it deserves a reread.
  9. The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan - I read the entire (first) series back when I was doing my undergrad, and it was surprisingly helpful when I was taking my classical mythology class!  My cousins are all reading the follow-up series, The Heroes of Olympus, and I feel like I'm really behind.  Maybe I should just read some summaries...?
  10. Charmed Thirds by Megan McCafferty - I never thought I'd enjoy the Jessica Darling series when my friend recommended that I read Sloppy Firsts way back when, but I ended up really loving (and relating) to Jessica and have tried to acquire the entire series for myself.  I was rereading them a year or so ago, but didn't have the time to continue.  I think I left off at Charmed Thirds.
That's my list!  What books have you been dying to reread?  Share with me in the comments below!


  1. Haha, you are so right about crying in the car! This is why I don't listen to books in the car, because most of mine end in tears and I am already a horrendous driver! The Fault in Our Stars made my list too, wow is it beautiful. I'm only like 3 books into the Percy Jackson series, I think I need to get to the end before I re-read, but I really do love it. Also really want to read Code Name Verity, have heard so many good things :)

    1. The last time I listened to the book, I was crying all the way down my block until I parked in my driveway. That's when I decided to reconsider my listening choices... Haha.

      Code Name Verity was SUCH a great read, and a pleasant surprise. I finally bought my own copy to properly display my love to the world.

  2. Shiver is the book that got me addicted to Maggie Stiefvater as well. If only I had time to go back and read her books again, especially the Raven Boys books as I know I would probably pick up so many things I'd skipped over the first time in my hurry to get the story read.
    Check out my Top 10

    1. I totally agree. I wish I had time to reread all of them! What I ended up doing was listening to the first two Raven Cycle books in the car to "reread" them, and now I just picked up Blue Lily, Lily Blue--can't wait to read it! The series is just so detailed.

  3. Although a bit overwhelmed by the amount of lists, it is undeniable that lists are a theme of the online world that could easily attract teens to a library online space and establish a relationship with the librarian, show shares also likes and dislikes.

    1. I know I certainly love lists... That would get me to check some stuff out!
