Thursday, October 7, 2010

Booking Through Thursday, 10/7/10

Hello! Today, I bring you Booking Through Thursday, a book-themed meme that asks weekly questions.

This week's questions (directly from BTT):

When you travel, how many books do you bring with you?
Has this changed since the arrival of ebooks?

I tend to have a packing problem when I travel. I always want to have something to read when I'm away. The problem is that I also like to have options--so the one book I pick to bring with me is quickly joined by another... and another. Depending on how long I'll be away, and how much room I have left in my bags, I could have as many as three or four books at a time. That doesn't sound like a lot, now that I've said it, but my trips are usually fairly short.

As far as ebooks go... Eh. I don't have an eReader. I don't really have the money for one, first of all, but I really just have no interest. I like having a physical book in my hands. I like looking at a full bookshelf. I like having a piece of literature that fits snugly in my bag when I'm out. I do see the convenience of having a Nook or a Kindle, but since I don't really do a LOT of traveling, whether it be for business or whatever, I don't feel much of a need for one.

How about you guys? Try the meme out for yourself and post your responses! :)


  1. I am laughing to myself at how similar we all sound. I would rather slog through an airport carrying three books in my bag than risk being on the plane and not having something to read.

  2. Well, whenever I travel I usually take one book with me (and usually it's one I haven't started yet) because I know that wherever I go, I'll buy MORE I travel lighter leaving home but come back laden with more books. xD
