Thursday, June 23, 2011

Return to Blogging

Hello to the few of you that read my review blog!  I apologize for not updating in months.  I'm sure you weren't on the edge of your seats waiting for my next post, so I expect you'll forgive me... but I moved to Paris in late January to study abroad for the semester, so I was understandably busy.  European university work was a lot more challenging than I expected.

During my time abroad, I acquired many books... and I even managed to go to a book convention (free tickets for students FTW).  My reason for being here, though, was first and foremost for school, so I decided to take a break from my (already very lax) updating schedule.  Now that I am home for the summer, I'm going to do my best to use this blog...  I mean, I did start it for a reason.

Thanks for your patience, if you plan on reading more of my posts!

1 comment:

  1. I wantz reviews, Meggo. Especially for this one book that starts with "for" and ends with "ever". You may have heard of it, it's by this cool lady named Maggie?
